my best end line--( but not quite what Vidiot means )
Butch to Sundance..."for a moment i thought we were in trouble"
…(and for the very first time), i thought i'd post a new topic completely non-wt-related... about a subject matter i have a particular affinity for.... ..i'm a major movie geek (most people here already know that), but one of the many things i especially like are what i call "middle-finger victory lines".. they are memorable (and extremely quotable) moments of dialogue, wherein the protagonist says an extremely cool or badass comment to a very deserving defeated opponent.... ...usually (but not always) said when victory has just been literally snatched from the clutches of certain defeat, and serving as a tall, proud, and victorious flipoff to the often (but not always) shocked-at-the-sudden-turn-of-events enemy.. my ten favorites:.
"smile, you sonofabitch.
"sheriff brody to the shark......just before firing his last bullet into a scuba tank lodged in the charging shark's open jaws.jaws (1975).
my best end line--( but not quite what Vidiot means )
Butch to Sundance..."for a moment i thought we were in trouble"
it has happened somewhere i know.
what is it and what does it mean.
But what if a DF persons accusers..2 witness rule....admit they were wrong..mistaken..lying ?
ewart chitty was appointed as secretary-treasurer , which position he held until his appointment to the governing body in november 1974.. when in brooklyn, chitty seems to have preferred younger men as roommates.
the actual charge brought to the gb against chitty was made by a former roommate and involved some sort of inappropriate conduct.
the gb concluded that chitty had homosexual tendencies, and asked him to resign.. a rare photo of chitty in happier days.
Is his name pronounced " shitty"?
it has happened somewhere i know.
what is it and what does it mean.
I wonder if it is an official watchtower phrase ?
i was seeing a jw man for about a year and a half until l broke it off with him last week.
we met on a dating site.
he shouldn’t have been on there, of course, but he was lonely.
Yet another one of these fringe dub males dating outside of the keep em coming.
here are some visuals to help show what is going on with the jw numbers game.
i am not a numbers guy and there maybe a few errors (info directly from grand total pages on jw.borg).
just what have you been smoking , Phiz ?
min--yes--youre right. i know ive had words in the past with a few of them. i can understand the rank and file staying in for the sake of keeping marriages and family intact...but to be an elder--?
i think a lot of dubs who were born in--or came in at an early age with parents ( i did ) have the belief that it must be the true religion--because we are in it. which i suppose is fair enough--after all--who would remain a member of a religion that they believed was false ?
some people on this forum have said that they never really believed any aspect of wt teaching, that they couldn't wait to get free of it all.. others seems to have been really gung ho, believing it all until something happened that got you questioning "the truth.".
i would say my own high water mark was about 50%, which put me squarely on the fence, trying to decide if i should be in or out.. how about you?.
i grew up in the cult--never thought twice about it--till i was married and about to become a dad. i quickly faced the fact i had no belief in a god--hence everything else fell apart and i didnt want to waste any more of my life as a religious freak.
would it be all-right with you if a translator removes "jesus'" name completely from the new testament and replaces it with a substitute, like "master" throughout?.
out of slight interest--is the word "christ" mentioned in the bible ?